Our Community Patrol
CPNZ New Zealand
Community Patrols of New Zealand (CPNZ) is a national organisation that was formed in 2001. It supports over 5,000 volunteers in over 150 affiliated community patrols throughout New Zealand.
Here at Pukehina we have an active Community Patrol and a dedicated Community Car - more volunteers welcome :)
CPNZ Volunteers
The Pukehina Community Patrol (PCPNZ) is a voluntary group of people giving some of their time to helping the Police make the area of Pukehina a safer environment in which to live.
Any resident who has a sense of responsibility towards the care of their wider neighbourhood may offer their services. You may have seen the clearly marked PCP patrol vehicle about your streets – Community Patrollers act as ‘eyes and ears’ for Police. The Te Puke Police provide the PCP with specific “look and listen” tasks each week and these are included in the day and night patrols around neighbourhood streets.
The PCP’s patrolling has a positive impact on the community whether it be, late at night or at any time, keeping a lookout for stolen vehicles or helping Police with an operation e.g. a search for a missing person.
To maintain a full roster of patrols, the Pukehina Community Patrol is in need of ‘young at heart’ new members of any age and gender who can commit to at least one patrol per month in support of their community. Full training is given and experienced patrollers and Police provide ongoing guidance.
Interested in helping out? Please fill out the form below!