On this page you'll find info about our amazing local Fire Brigade, internet options at the beach, Kerbside waste and recycling collection, septic tanks, weather, tides and more...!

Pukehina Fire Brigade
We are so lucky to have an incredible team of Fire Brigade volunteers dedicated to servicing our area. A huge thank you to all involved!
The Fire Station is located at 16 Pukehina Parade, next to the Community Centre/Hall. The Station has a siren that sounds when there is an emergency, that alerts the team on shift. It is not a tsunami warning siren. They also do their training on Wednesday nights so are often at Midway Park laying out hoses.
The Fire Brigade contribute a lot to our community in other ways too!
- They do an annual food bank drive along the parade so listen out for the fire engine sirens.
- On Christmas Eve the team put on a fun event along the parade where you may see Santa along for the ride!
For regular updates or to find out how to join see their FaceBook page, Pukehina Fire Brigade.
Tide times
Power supply
Phone 0800 878 787 for any problems.
Refuse collection

Kerbside Recyling and Waste Collection:
We have a new system from WBOPDC for our rubbish and recyling collection. Collection day is now on a Friday and there are four bins in operation:
Red lidded waste bin – collected each week. NB: You have to purchase a tag for this bin and attach it on collection day. It’s a pay-as-you-throw system encouraging people to reduce their rubbish and recycle more. Tags are available from The Pukehina Store or local supermarkets.
Green food scraps bin – collected each week.
Yellow lidded recycling bin – collected every second week
Blue glass recycling bin – collected every second week (alternative weeks to number 3 - Yellow lidded recycling bin)
Visit to find out what bins go out on what weeks, and see what you can and can't pop into each bin!
*Please note if items are placed incorrectly in your recycling bin, the whole bin and/or truck may end up in landfill due to contamination.
Greenwaste Collection and Recycling Centre:
There is a greenwaste and recycling station at 36 Station Road, Te Puke open every Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00am to 3:30pm, Saturday 9:00am to 4:00pm.
The cost of Green waste is as follows: Car and Station Wagon $7:00, Small Trailer and Utility $24:00, Tandem Trailer $46:00. The stem diameter must be no thicker than 100mm and length no longer than 3m. Green waste not accepted is: Flax, Pampas, Bamboo, Gorse or Palm.
Transfer Station: there is a transfer station in Truman Lane, Te Maunga, Mt Maunganui for any waste.
PLEASE NOTE: The sand dunes or estuary are not places for green waste so please do not dump garden clippings and waste there!
Septic Tanks at our Beach - regular cleaning is the key!
Septic tanks require maintenance to ensure they are not causing any leakage into the surrounding environment. Here at Pukehina Beach we are all on tank systems, some newer than others.
- Homeowners with older style septic tanks should have them pumped out at 2-3 yearly intervals.
- Homeowners with modern septic tanks with outlet filters should have them pumped out at around 5 – 8 yearly intervals.
- Please note: these recommended intervals depend on demand and the homeowner may wish to check scum and sludge levels and reduce the interval accordingly. Tanks should be cleaned out when these levels reach 1/3 of the depth of the tank. The homeowner should inspect the soakage field area for signs of wetness, surface seepage and/or excess grass growth.
- If homeowners wish to expand a dwelling (i.e. add an extra bedroom on) then either a resource consent is required for the discharge of effluent, or a new system that complies with the rules of the BOPRC On Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan will need to be installed.
Cleaning companies that service our area include Pete's Takeaways from Tauranga and Brown Freight from Whakatane.
Internet Options at Pukehina Beach
There are a number of internet providers that service Pukehina:
- Lightwire - reliable rural broadband
- Vodafone
- Chorus
- ...more!
The Broadband Compare website was recently launched and gives you a list of plans available from providers using your address. Their aim is to show you the best plan available to you.
Glimp is a second independent site, launched earlier in 2016 that also uses your address to show what plans are available that suit you based on various criteria.
If you want to compare providers on some of the more technical issues then click over to this site ( hosted by our friends over at InternetNZ shines light on whether ISPs are doing the things such as using IPV6, how often they give your information.
There’s a number of sites that you can use to see what speed you are experiencing. Remember though, they measure from your device through to their servers so can be very dependant on things like the quality of your wifi router, the access network and also the network of your retail provider. BUT if you think the speed you are getting is slower than you think it should be, your first port of call is ALWAYS to log a fault with your service provider and get them to check.
Local Councils
Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC): or 07-571 8008. WBOPDC are responsible for Civil Defence, beach access ways, storm water, parks and reserves, rubbish, roading, dog ranger.
If you spot a problem in our community with any of the above call Western Bay of Plenty District Council on (07) 571 8008 and submit a “Service Request”. Alternately you can submit via their website or the Antenno App.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) are responsible for environment (air, land, freshwater, geothermal, coastal resources and biodiversity), Coast Care, Water quality –lakes, rivers and estuaries, Pest plants and animals, Maritime regulation (boating safety and harbour rules).
They have a Pollution Hotline – call on 0800 884 883 for any problems. You are also able to submit your service request to BOPRC via the App ‘Antenno’.
Neighbourhood support
Neighbourhood Support is a not-for-profit, community based crime prevention program, aiming to make our homes, streets, neighbourhoods and communities a safer and more caring place to live. Neighbourhood Support is the process of being revitalised in Pukehina Beach. Kate Blakeborough is the new Coordinator and is looking for volunteers to help make Pukehina one of the safest places to live. A Neighbourhood Support Group will:
- Help foster a sense of community spirit, where everyone is respected and valued
- share information that will help reduce the risk and fear of crime
- reduce the incidence and effects of criminal offending
- build community resilience
- strengthen community networks to improve the quality of life
- liaise and co-operate with other community groups.
Attentive neighbours along with the visible deterrents of street signs and window / letterbox stickers, sends a strong signal to prospective burglars that there is a higher chance of being caught.
Being part of Neighbourhood Support means you have access to many resources to help you make informed decisions around safety and security.
If you don’t know your neighbour, start today and say g’day.
- Report ALL incidents or suspicious activities ASAP
- Dial 111 for all emergencies
- Dial 105 for non-emergencies
- Dial *555 to report traffic incidents via mobile phone
- Rameka Poihipi is our Community Constable based at Te Puke Police station 07 5730500.
Bruce Banks — Manager — Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support.
Radio Stations
- National Radio 101.0 FM
- Concert FM 91.4 FM
- Newstalk ZB: 1008 AM Newstalk ZB
- Classic Hits 95.0 FM Classic Hits
- More FM 93.4FM More FM
- 1XX 97.4 FM